Episode 82: Official Book Club Selection: Pulitzer Prize Winning "Less" by Andrew Sean Greer
A great lover of books, Kyle has often thought about exploring books, bookclub-style, on the podcast and the time has finally arrived. Kyle and Ethan read “Less” by Andrew Sean Greer recently, and they absolutely fell in love with it. So, this was the perfect time to bring the bookclub to fruition. Andrew Sean Greer won the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for fiction with his “Trip Around the World” novel about Arthur Less, an author of a certain age who, on the eve of his fiftieth birthday, finds himself at a crossroads, romantically, professionally, and inspirationally. This is the story of how he ran from one problem, to find so many others remain unresolved in his own mind. Join us for the discussion and then join us in celebrating this wonderful book!