Kyle Leon Henderson
Kyle Leon Henderson is an American actor, podcast host, and writer. He specializes in improv and conversational broadcasting. Kyle has always had a natural curiosity and an interest in the people around him. It took him a while to realize that that could actually become his life’s work.
Growing up in a rural unincorporated community called Bremen, or sometimes referred to as “Bug Tussle,” he always had interesting characters around him. He now uses these people he has heard stories about for his entire life as the basis of some of his most memorable creations.
Kyle has lived in New York City and Los Angeles and has studied improv and sketch comedy at The Magnet Theater and The Groundlings School. He has worked in theatre, television, and movies, as well as podcasts and YouTube.
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Our Practice
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It’s a helluva start, being able to recognize what makes you happy.
— Lucille Ball
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